2022 March Board Book

Key Insights from Results • Hol iday was a pr imary focus for CMAB in 2021 and Q4 PR del ivered the highest number of stor ies – led by the entertaining press release, which generated hal f of al l stor ies and 25% of al l impress ions • Program integrat ion al lowed CMAB dol lars to be maximi zed – inf luencer partners were tapped to del iver Recycle the Jug messaging, whi le consumer content appealed to foodservice media • Dai ry sustainabi l i ty content was included in 52% of impress ions, up from 14% in Q3 – Recycle the Jug, Taboola Dai ry Mythbust ing largely contr ibuted • Men’s Heal th generated the most earned impress ions (8.4M) - leveraged by Jordan Mazur ’s ongoing relat ionship wi th the publ icat ion • Hol iday content showcased the versat i l i ty of dai ry, del iver ing the highest number of impress ions across mul t iple pr ior i ty products

Q4 Consumer Snapshot (Content from Coverage Tracker)

787M Impressions CMAB-Driven Traditional + Social + Paid + Earned 52% CA Dairy + Sustainability Percent of Total Impressions*

2,055 Stories/Posts CMAB-Driven Traditional + Social + Paid + Earned

46% CA Dairy + Health & Wellness Percent of Total Impressions*

99% Look for the Seal Message Percent of Total Impressions*

Content Highl ights

Priority Products Percent of Impressions* Fluid Milk: 89%

Holiday Entertaining Press Release Delivered the Most Stories and was Leveraged Across Programs

Priority Occasions Percent of Impressions*

Breakfast: 28% Snacking: 24%

Cheese: 35% Butter: 26%

Sustainability Content was in Over Half of Impressions, Led by Recycle the Jug Campaign

*may exceed 100%, as a story/post can include multiple priorities/messages

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