2022 March Board Book
Search Engine Marketing In 2021 we achieved our 90% Brand SOV goal ensuring we appear when consumers are actively searching for CMAB. We also maintained presense in other relevant searches, including dairy products, new recipes, and breakfast topics. We are always optimizing to be available and attract qualified traffic. We’ve continued to update our search effort to be more modular, allowing us to be more flexible and personalized in our messaging. Non-Brand campaigns are geo-targeted to California only,
while Brand campaigns run nationally. The “dairy mythbusting” SEM campaign launched in Q1. This campaign focuses on addressing common misperceptions related to Health and Wellness as well as Sustainability. We are serving ads to those who are searching for facts/answers online. After seeing 3x improved performance in Q3 and Q4 2021, we have continued running this initiative into 2022. 2021 Paid Search Impressions Clicks
Appendix Paid Social Performance: The chart below shows social metrics for evergreen content across FB/IG, Pinterest, and Twitter from January through December 2021. January – December 2021: Content Impressions Engagements Video Plays Breakfast 33,026,846 65,323 151,320 Breakfast Books 17,202,158 47,566 1,099,812 Culture/Social Holiday 4,094,787 39,103 25,523 Day Can Wait 7,879,182 1,058 6,781,708 HHM Influencers 4,289,822 9,735 - Fall Baking Influencers 4,081,442 17,495 - Holiday 7,408,218 23,838 - Other 26,170,112 84,831 34,806 Recipes 40,215,437 64,343 466,189 Local 22,927,442 123,288 - Yule Log 3,935,784 21,390 1,159,892 Total 171,231,230 497,970 9,719,250
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