2019 September Board Book
• The second Costco Road Show took place in Concord. Overall, it was probably busier than Livermore, but not as busy as Concord would normally be. We have learned a lot thus far and the process is going very smoothly; Club Demo Services (CDS) is easy to work with, they have good people working our tables and this is a great sales driver for the cheese makers. We also have dates booked with Costco through the end of the year. Real California Milk Accelerator After some adjustments to the rules, we received the green light from the State for the Real California Milk Accelerator contest. Jen has worked hard to get the word out and the PR is working. We have several applicants and the deadline for entering is August 31, 2019. DMI and MilkPEP are excited and very happy to see some of the work they’ve done on milk innovation moving ahead via our Accelerator.
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