2019 March Board Book
PR and Communications
Retail Marketing To support in-store sampling activities during this month, we have coordinated several marketing activities within national and regional retail chains: • El Florido (northern Mexico), support for the end of the season started on October, having presence in weekly shoppers with RCM products and Facebook publications. reaching over 1,342,935 consumers in the region.
Calimax (northern Mexico), conducted the DeliFest promotion. And coordination of social media publications for the end of the year.
PR Activities During this period events such as Cake and Bake and the first contest of California dairy products, concentrated all our efforts to position Real California Milk as the authority in flavor and quality of dairy products in Mexico. Social Media Our Facebook community is around 35,545 followers, mainly from Mexico City, and followed by principal cities: Guadalajara, Puebla and Northern Mexico. Our target is divided in 67% women and 33% men between 25 and 44 years old with a better interaction on Wednesday night. On the other hand, the Instagram community up to date shows 374 followers, and its increasing with follow-by-follow strategy. Communication through social media was mainly about RCM participation in Cake and Bake, development of the First Dairy Contest and publications continue mentioning the importance of the seal, recipes and the real farmers.
As for Instagram, we improved the frequency of posting by generating views and content through IG Stories that allowed us to have more interaction with consumers.
I-Mei is seeking referral of additional California ESL whole milk suppliers with product specifications as follows. I-Mei originally imported ESL whole milk from Rockview since this past June, but had to cancel half of their orders resulted from a problem with inconsistent production/expiry labeling: - California Grade “A” Homogenized ESL Whole Milk, Non-Vitamin Fortified - Packaging size: half gallon paper carton, 6 cartons/case - Private label capability Far Eastern Group’s “2018 Top Talent for New Life Chef Competition” final was held on December 1st, at Yu-Da High School of Commerce and Home Economics in Taipei. The contest began by having the 10 final competing teams shopping for their own preferred food ingredients at City Super store, followed by a 2-hour cook-off of three courses. Five
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