2019 December Board Book
Win with Healthy Snacking
2.06 M Impressions
42 Stories/Mentions
4. ACTIVATION XX impressions XX mentions 5. ACTIVATION XX impressions XX mentions 2. HEALTH PARTNER CONTENT 1 M Impressions 18 Social posts from 3 partners 3. FOODSERVICE MEDIA 64 K Impressions 1 Cover placement for appetizer 2. TACTIC XX metric 3. TACTIC XX metric TOP 3 TACTICAL ACTIVATIONS Ranked by over a l l imp r es s i ons 1. NOURISH INFLUENCER EVENT 1 M Impressions 23 Social posts from 9 influencers
KEY INSIGHTS Nour i sh cont inued coverage hi t on mul t ipl e CA dai ry heal th and we l lness messages . Ongoing par tners t i ed CA dai ry to heal thy snacking and nut r i t ious eat ing wi th appeal ing, on- t rend content . Nurse Barb shared research based informat ion for why kids need to consumer dai ry . A cover s tory in a l eading foodserv i ce pub pos i t ioned CA dai ry as a heal thy , on- t rend appet i zer .
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