2019 December Board Book
1,056 Stories/Mentions
51.9 M Impressions
1 Sustainability Summit Event
4. ACTIVATION XX impressions XX mentions 5. ACTIVATION XX impressions XX mentions . AC 2. FOX & FRIENDS TV SEGMENT 8.8 M Impressions RCM ice cream story on TV, website and social 3. NOURISH + CHEESE & WINE 1 M Impressions Each – Tied for #3 Event attendees social and blog content TOP 3 TACTICAL ACTIVATIONS Ranked by over a l l imp r es s i ons 1. HISPANIC HERITAGE RELEASE 39 M Impressions Recipe release in Florida + national
KEY INSIGHTS A press re l ease l everaged Hi spani c - s ty l e dai ry rec ipes owned by CMAB, and generated the mos t impress ions . A Fox & Fr i ends segment promoted RCM i ce cream dur ing Nat ional Hot Fudge Sundae day . Cheese & Wine Count ry launch event inf luencer content showcased the versat i l e appeal of CA cheeses . Whi l e Nour i sh content de l i vered value for
2. TACTIC XX metric
3. REAL PEOPLE, FAMILY FARMS the Seal by shar ing how CA dai ry farmers use sus tainabl e prac t i ces , along wi th dai ry ’ s heal th benef i t s .
3. TACTIC XX metric
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