2018 September Board Book

New Processor Partners Four new processors have signed our agreement to use 100% California Milk to make their items including Cowgirl Creamery, Rethink Ice Cream, Tony’s Fine Foods and Mogo Milk.

Our first newly signed processor is well known in the local markets and we have been in talks with them for a couple of years – Cowgirl Creamery. Cowgirl Creamery started as a small cheese processor and has grown into a regional distributor and processor of organic cheese, ricotta and yogurt. They were purchased by Emmi Roth, an internationally known cheese company 2 years ago, but operate independently as Cowgirl Creamery.

Our second new processor is based out of Napa, California and is a brand marketing company marketing a new brand of ice cream called Rethink Ice Cream. Rethink is based on the owner’s personal experience with addiction and recovery and decided to make a healthy version of ice cream with all natural ingredients, less sugar and protein, without sacrificing the taste. They offer some very unique flavors and will be in local stores soon.

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