2018 May Board Book
Message: California is the leading producer of Hispanic cheese and dairy products Message: California dairies are family owned Message: Look for the Real California Milk seal Reach: 107.2 M Impressions
National Infographic Release Hispanic-style dairy fast facts: California is #1 producer
TV Segments in Top 2 Texas Markets Look for the Real California Milk seal…made with milk from California’s dairy farm families
Micro-Influencer Posts Try Hispanic-style dairy with the Real California Milk Seal at home
Message: California dairy is a healthy source of protein Message: California milk and dairy products are a healthy, tasty way to get essential vitamins and minerals
Reach: 80 CA Nurse Practitioners Reach: 136 K Twitter Impressions Health Professional Education Session 80 Nurse Practitioner Attendees I’m much more likely to recommend dairy to patients because I’ve learned it is a great source of nutrition Social Posts by Nurse Barb Dehn Get calcium, protein and essential nutrients from dairy
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