2018 March Board Book
Other Food Content:
Holidairy We partnered with Cooking Panda to create a Holiday-specific Facebook canvas ad unit, an immersive ad unit that links multiple similar pieces of content together to tell a greater story. We enlisted the help of social influencer Rachel Hollis of The Chic Site, who played host and helped plan a California-style holiday party, complete with a 6-ft-long cheese board, dairy cocktails, and appetizers. The unit generated the following results: • 1.5M+ (:03) views combined from both CMAB and Cooking Panda channels • 1M+ engagements on Cooking Panda channels • 1.8M impressions on CMAB channels • Avg. time spent in the canvas was :30 on CMAB channels
Cheese Log Playing off the popular Yule Log video, CMAB created our very own California cheese log video with real cheese logs melted over an open fire. This content was looped for 2 hours, so people could use it on their TVs, computer or other devices during the holidays. We also linked out to the California Monterey Black and Blue Cheese Log recipe on the RCM.com. • Facebook – 1.8M impressions and 771k views (:03) • YouTube – 6.8M impressions and 72k views (:30)
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