2018 March Board Book
2017 Year in Review: • TV: o
Over 608M impressions
Digital Media: o
256M media impressions (38% more than planned) o 66M media video completions (17% more than planned)
Social: o
27M impressions
12.4M video views (:03 secs) 5.7M video views (:10 secs)
o o o
76K engagements
o We promoted 153 pieces of content across FB and IG
Search: o
36M impressions
285k clicks
YouTube: o
2.3M impressions
2018 Research: In 2018, we will be conducting exploratory research, including both quantitative and qualitative, designed to “strength test” our current positioning platform “Real Food from Real People.” By understanding the main catalyst(s) for decline in dairy consumption as well as the attitudes/perceptions that motivate our strongest consumers, we can assess the strength of our positioning, our messaging and our creative campaigns and make adjustments as we develop new creative content moving forward. 2018 Creative Campaign: Creative development on a new campaign in 2018 will not begin until the primary research is finalized. In the interim, we will continue to run our existing Return to Real creative, including: • Return to Real TV • Cooking Panda videos • Tastemade videos • Growing Up Dairy videos • CA Dairy Stories videos • Better With Cheese • Monday Melt
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