2018 December Board Book
CMAB Glossary of Terms
ACV (All commodity volume) – Total grocery dollars attributed to individual retail groups in a defined geographic trade area .
Advertising awareness – One diagnostic tool that companies use to gauge the success of a campaign, advertising awareness studies measure whether or not consumers have knowledge of the ad or recall seeing it.
Advertorial – An advertisement in a print publication designed to look like a news or feature article.
Brand – A name or symbol that identifies a company’s product as distinct from those of its competitors. A well-developed brand communicates a promise to the consumer about a product’s unique benefits.
Broker – An agent who is authorized to buy or sell products for another organization. Brokers facilitate the movement of dairy products from processors to retail stores.
California Dairy Quality Assurance Program (CDQAP) – An educational program collaboratively offered by the California dairy industry, state and federal regulatory agencies, and the University of California. Its goal is to encourage, through education and voluntary certification, science-based dairying practices which promote the health of the consumer, the environment and dairy livestock. California Dairy Research Foundation (CDRF) – The mission of the CDRF is to increase the utilization of milk through investments in research. The scope of this research includes dairy foods, dairy herd health and food safety, nutrition and dairy quality assurance. California Department of Food & Agriculture (CDFA) – The CDFA promotes and fosters confidence in California agriculture by implementing and communicating public policy and programs. The CDFA interfaces with the dairy industry in a variety of areas including exports, promotion and research marketing orders, producer milk pricing, pooling and distribution of milk revenue, quality and sanitation, and animal health.
Cable TV – Television service purchased by consumers that is carried to homes by direct wires (cables).
Centralized buying – Under a centralized buying system, the responsibility for product selection and purchase is consolidated in a central market office, rather than with the individual stores.
Club store – A members-only, large-scale, high-volume store that stocks a large number of products that sell at low prices. Examples include Costco and Sam’s Club.
Control label products – A brand developed by a small regional or local wholesaler, as distinguished from a brand bearing the name of a manufacturer or producer. Control label products are typically distributed to a limited number of retailers.
Cost-per-engagement (CPE) – A means of measuring digital and social media advertising effectiveness that shows the cost when a digital ad or piece of social media content is engaged with.
Cost-per-thousand (CPM) – A means of measuring advertising effectiveness that shows the cost, per 1,000 people reached, of buying advertising space or time in a given media outlet.
Cross-promotion – A sales promotion that uses one brand to promote another, non-competing brand.
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