2018 December Board Book
cheese suppliers in California. If possible, HarbyrCo can partner with them to be a main consolidator to source all different dairy products from California to sell in Thailand.
• Food Gallery HarbyrCo will help finding ESL milk and 5 kg butter for them and we will work together to create a social media page for Coolhaus.
• Udom Supply Co., Ltd. considers ordering commodity cheeses from California. The customer is now working with CMAB-rep to find the best option to import, for instance, either import through GTK (Singapore) to enjoy the benefit of Asean Free Trade Agreement or through Pacific Cheese (Private label). California Milk In-store demo sampling at Tops Market. Central Food Hall stores, Rimping Supermarket and Foodland: We continue conducting demo sampling at 2 Tops Market stores, 5 Central Food Hall stores and 6 Rimping Supermarket stores. We conducted Rockview at 7 Foodland stores after the launch in early September at Foodland Supermarket. TIC importer just has Rockview listed in The Mall Group, one of Thailand’s largest mall operators who operates gourmet products. CMAB plans to conduct in-store demo sampling in October. The retail chains indicate an interest and confidence to carry our product with CMAB supports. California Ice Cream In-store demo sampling: We conducted in-store demo sampling at 4 Rimping Supermarkets as Food Gallery company listed in this product in September. We experienced slow sales in the beginning as most consumers in Chiangmai city (the biggest city and known as key tourist spot in northern part of Thailand), were reluctant to buy due to the unfamiliar and super-premium brand. We will conduct more in-store demo days and create activities to help introduce Coolhaus among potential customers. The 2 nd container of Coolhaus has arrived and there are 4 new flavors to introduce and promote. We conducted in-store demo sampling at 9 stores of Villa Market to promote the new 4 flavors with promotion “Buy 2 get 1 cooling bag” to drive sales and we had good feedback. California Cheese In-store demo sampling: Food Gallery Company listed in California Cheese retail packs (CSF) to Foodland and Big C. CMAB conducted in-store demo sampling at 6 stores of Foodland with the promotion buy one get one free for California Pizza Blend cheese and we helped clear out of this item stock. The special promotion and CMAB promoter staff worked effectively. Food Gallery has ordered a new shipment which should be arriving in October. Great news!
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