2018 December Board Book
California Milk Advisory Board 2316 Orchard Parkway, Suite 200 Tracy, CA 95377 Telephone: 209-883-6455
I. Required Continuation Hearing – A public hearing must be held every five years to consider the CMAB’s continuation. The last continuation hearing was August 19, 2015. The next required continuation hearing will likely occur in the summer of 2020.
Fiscal Year – January 1 to December 31
III. Board Composition – 24 producer members, 24 alternates, and 24 reserve alternates [Public Member is permissive.] There cannot be more than 1 vote from any one dairy production entity. Board seats are allocated in accordance with each district’s production and number of producers. The allocation of seats is reviewed every three years.
IV. Board Terms of Office – March 1 st through February 28 th The terms are for 3 years and are staggered so that one-third of seats must be filled each year.
V. Term Limits – No member or alternate may serve more than four consecutive three-year terms in the same position.
VI. Vacancies – Alternate serves in the stead of vacant position and reserve alternate in the stead of the alternate. Vacancy is not filled until the next annual nomination meeting.
VII. Executive Committee – Each March the Board shall select an Executive Committee consisting of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Secretary and three additional members of the Board. The Chairman is limited to three consecutive terms.
VIII. Board Quorum and Board Voting Procedures
A quorum is 13 members.
• Board actions that do not regard expenditures of program funds and do not regard selection or dismissal of management personnel require an affirmative vote of a majority of the total members of the board. (13 votes) • Board actions related to expenditure of funds for any program requires a ⅔ vote of the voting members present, or 13 votes , whichever is greater . • Board actions related to selection or dismissal of management personnel require a ⅔ vote of the full board. (16 votes) [17 votes if there is a public member appointed.]
IX. Maximum Assessment – Either 10 cents per hundredweight or 1% of Gross Dollar Value
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