2018 December Board Book
2019 Operations Resolutions of the California Milk Producers Advisory Board
1. CEO: The Board recommends, for approval by the California Department of Food and Agricultural, that John Talbot be appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of the California Milk Producers Advisory Board for 2019 in accordance with the 2019 Executive Officer Employment Agreement.
2. Authority of C.E.O. The Board recommends, for approval by the Department, that the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) be given the following authority:
A. To make inter-item transfers in the budget up to $25,000.00.
B. To purchase new vehicles, within the guidelines issued by the Department, for the use of Board employees, and to dispose of old vehicles as is deemed necessary for the safety and well-being of those driving the vehicles.
C. To pay necessary expenses for persons who are requested by the CEO or the Board, and approved by the Chairman or the Board, to make appearances on behalf of the Board.
D. To call for interviewing of applicants for employment from within or outside the State of California, and to pay necessary expenses.
E. To approve expenses for employees to move residence at Board request, or to approve moving expenses for those accepting employment with the Board, when necessary.
F. To approve payment fees to personnel agencies for recruitment purposes.
G. To approve hiring consultants as appropriate.
H. To approve for payment expenditures for registration for conventions, meetings, classes, dues for professional organizations, and participation in other activities when such membership and participation will, in the opinion of the CEO, benefit the California Milk Advisory Board.
I. To approve vehicle allowances in lieu of having Board vehicles assigned to certain employees, when it works to the benefit of the Board and the employees.
3. The Board recommends, for approval by the Department, that Board members, and alternates or reserve alternates serving in the absence of a Board member, be authorized to collect per diem of $100.00 per day while attending Board meetings in addition to the following daily expenses: hotel $235.00 plus tax maximum, and incidentals of $15.00 per travel day. Meals are $30.00 for breakfast, $45.00 for lunch, and $80.00 for dinner maximum. Breakfast is allowed if leaving home before 7:00 a.m. and dinner is allowed if arriving home after 7:00 p.m. Trips requiring expenses exceeding the limits shall be preapproved by the Board. Tradeshows, conventions, etc., usually have expenses related to them that are over the maximum limits approved by the Board. In such cases, the CEO has the authorization to approve the high expenditures for hotels and/or meals related to such travel. 4. The Board recommends for approval by the Department, that Board members, alternate members or reserve alternates serving in the absence of a Board member, CMAB employees, and consultants, who use personal vehicles for Board business and do not receive a monthly vehicle allowance, be reimbursed for personal vehicle mileage at the prevailing Federal mileage rate.
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