2018 December Board Book
2019 Programs and Projects
ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Economic and Related Impacts of Using Byproducts as Dairy Feeds RESEARCHER: Daniel Sumner, UC Davis TIMELINE: 18 months
BACKGROUND: California dairy use of feed byproducts reduces waste and environmental consequences and facilitates positive contributions to the economy. No studies have comprehensively assessed the economic and environmental impacts and these positive impacts have not entered the public discussion about the positive role of California dairy in the economy and the environment. OBJECTIVE: Measure the amount of byproducts used in California dairy herd rations, project alternatives if they were not used, and simulate the economic and environmental effects. INDUSTRY BENEFIT: Allow for accurate communication regarding the central, symbiotic role of dairy in the agricultural economy and highlight the positive environmental contribution. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Strategic Approach to Building a Distribution and Value Chain for Dairy Cow Manure RESEARCHERS: Grant Prentice, FoodMinds with a multi-organizational, multi-disciplinary team including: Newtrient, Kynetec and Cogent TIMELINE: January to June, 2019 BACKGROUND: California dairies milk ~1.75 million cows that generate a significant amount of manure. This manure contains valuable nutrients and soil amendment properties. Future regulation pressures are likely to necessitate larger volumes of dairy manure exports. CDRF requested a proposal for the preparation of a report on the assessment of market opportunities for manure and manure products from California dairy farms. OBJECTIVE: Complete a comprehensive market analysis to create options for business plans and identify potential commercial partners for the transformation of dairy cow manure from waste stream to profit stream. INDUSTRY BENEFITS: Improved sustainability and environmental profile of the California dairy industry through: • Reduced risk of groundwater nitrate contamination • Reduced methane emissions from dairy operations Creation of a plan for dairy manure as a raw material for fertilizer and other applications.
CDRF 2019 Proposed Budget Request
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