2017 May Board Book
convening a network of private and public partners to raise funds for youth wellness initiatives that bolster healthy, high-achieving students, schools and communities nationwide. We believe that all students are change-agents, who deserve the opportunity to identify and lead innovative solutions that positively impact nutrition, physical activity, and student success. For more information about GENYOUth, visit: www.genyouthnow.org About the California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB) The California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB) is an instrumentality of the Department of Food & Agriculture funded by and representing California’s more than 1300 dairy farm families. The CMAB’s mission is to build awareness and demand for California milk and dairy products as represented by the Real California Milk and Cheese seals ( RealCaliforniaMilk.com ) and to support kids health and wellness through the Fuel Up to Play 60 program – a partnership with the NFL to encourage kids to fuel up with nutritious foods and get 60 minutes of physical activity each day ( FuelUpToPlay60.com ). Connect with Real California Milk through social media at Facebook , YouTube , Twitter , Instagram and Pinterest .
i American College of Sports Medicine, American School Health Association, GENYOUth Foundation, National Dairy Council. The Wellness Impact: Enhancing Academic Through Healthy School Environment , March 2013. ii National Association for Sport and Physical Education. The Fitness Equation: Physical Activity + Balanced Diet = Fit Kids. Reston, VA: National Association for Sport and Physical Education , 1999. iii Fueluptoplay60.com
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