2017 March Board Book

2017 National TV Plan:

2017 Creative Campaign: In addition to the four new Return to Real TV spots airing in 2017, we will be continuing our “always on” social and search efforts. We will be looking for new ways to tell our real food story as well as continuing to provide a unique look at the farmers who make up CMAB. In 2017 we want to continue to give meaning to the seal and all it stands for. Some of the content from 2016, including the “Growing Up Dairy” videos and Tastemade videos, will continue to run in the first half of the new year. We will be taking a closer look at new media partnerships and content series as the year progresses. RealCaliforniaMilk.com: Throughout 2016 we made regular content updates to the site to feature the latest and greatest news and highlight our latest content. We integrated video content into the recipe section of the site and started to do a major overhaul on the Foodservice section. In 2017 we will continue to make regular content updates. We launched the finished revamped Foodservice site in February and will monitor site behavior closely. As consumers continue to engage with our content on our social channels and as our paid search efforts and digital media continue to drive traffic to the site, it’s important that we continue to make regular content updates to the site and create a welcome environment that gives meaning to the Real California Milk seal.


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